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The reserve contains both White and Black Rhino.

The name has nothing to do with the animals' colour. They should more properly be described as "Square-lipped Rhinos" and "Hook-lipped rhinos". They can also be distinguished by size, the former is larger, and has a larger more elongated head. Neither species of rhino has incisor teeth.

The Square-lipped Rhino is a grazer and uses its square lips to tear at vegetation on the ground. They often form small herds.

White Rhino

The Hook-lipped Rhino is a browser, using its prehensile upper lip to grasp leaves and branches. It is smaller and has a shorter head with a more rounded face. It is solitary and secretive, preferring woodland and shrubby territory so is rarely seen, despite being the more prevalent of the two species in Northern Namibia.

Black Rhino